Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Preparations for the 25th Anniversary Celebration in the National Theatre!

Hi Everyone,

We are very excited this week to continue the 25th anniversary celebration of the Centro Cutural Batahola Norte with concerts by the Ángel Torrellas Chorus and Margarita Navarro Orchestra, along with the National Orchestra of Nicaragua. The biggest event of the year is tomorrow night, when we will be presenting in National Theater of Nicaragua, the Ruben Dario. The performance will include the chorus, orchestra, with and special guests, Philip Moltalbán (a famous Nicaraguan reggae artist), Salvador Cardenal (of Guardabarranco), and the National Orchestra of Nicaragua. There will be theater and folkloric dance performances, and I will have the privilege of participating with my adult dance class! Below is a short video of the chorus performing Monday night at the Center Bach's Coronation Mass.

We are excited to have with us this week several Amigos de Batahla from Spain, and Friends of Batahola from the U.S., including Sister Helen Prejean, who arrives tonight.

Be sure to check back soon for photos and videos from the event tomorrow!

La paz,

Chorus "Ángel Torrellas" with the National Orchestra of Nicaragua
Bach's Coronation Mass

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dudleysharp said...
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